I am pleased of create the first versiĆ³n, althougth it is not working and have a lot of bugs, you can see the main process of capturing traffic, and storing chunks in a database.
"nightmare" version satmule caracol v0.2 same bugs fixed, not jet working, althought going "in the way"ONLY FOR INVSTIGATING PURPOSES, NOT JET WORKING!!!!!
Main improvements in this version: grown java virtual machine memory, certains changes in database to gain performance.


Compile jsps so it will not be necessary to have java SDK, only a simple JDK
Separate jmule to other process. It could be graceful if we can use anothers edonkey mod clientes (emule, amule, etc). Satmule is able of running in background without any edonkey client started (it is not necessary, only for completing files).

what is satmule? Satmule is a internet traffic capturer that analizes traffic from a satellite internet provider and saves edonkey traffic to hard disk in temporal download files.
What kind of license this software has? Satmule is free software licensed under GNU-GPL. Actually is a improvement of two other GPL projects: skynet and jmule
whitch parts satmule is composed of? Satmule is composed of two parts: client and server
what about client part? Client part is a process that captures internet packets from a internet provider and gives packets to the server
What about server part? Server part receives traffic from multiples client sources, divides traffic in sockets, analyzes each source, and extracts chunks of data that saves to disk
Also satmule will actue like a normal edonkey client that could share and download files from internet.
witch languages is satmule written? Client part is written in c, server part is in java.
witch operating systems satmule runs? Satmule client part only runs in windows. Server part is written in java and teorically runs in multiples platforms.
could client and server execute in the same machine? of course and this is higly recomended due to the high bandwith that is spent in the comunication between client and server
what is the min bandwith recomended between client and server? it depends of the bandwith of the internet provider that the client is capturing, it usually be 100Mbps as last
can I connect multiples clients with multiples internet sources to the server? teorically yes, If you have one satellite card for each provider and enought bandwith for each client.
is this legal? At most I know, you are not spying people, you are capturing traffic that the internet provider is offering you, but remember that sniff data not addressed to you could be ilegal in same countries. Use at your own risk.
what additional hardware I need? You need a digital tv satellite card receiver. This cards also works as normal network cards used to connect to the internet satellite providers.
do I need pay to a internet provider to get the traffic? a lot of satellite providers gives its comunication without any encription, so anybody could get the traffic

developers! need help! if you Want to colaborate in this project please contact us!

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